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sister province
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
1 — Hist.
one of the British North American colonies, regarded as having equal status with other such colonies.
See: sister colony
The Editor conceives, that the Nova-Scotia Mag. might be made highly conducive to the improvement of this and the sister Provinces. . . .
It is presumed that our Sister Province would go hand in hand with us in improving the navigation of her portion of the river.
Nova-Scotia is rivalled in steam navigation by the sister province New Brunswick, where the coal employed is imported from Great Britain
one of the provinces of Canada.
The Sister Provinces were also happy in their choice of welcomes.
Saskatchewan, in 1915, Ontario, Albert, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, New Brunswick and British Columbia, in 1916, passed prohibition laws; while, in 1918, Quebec fell in line with its sister provinces.